Solar Energy


  • Our Sun is a massive source of Energy.
  • Every day the Earth receives so much radiation from the Sun.
  • Radiation of the Sun, which we see as Light and feel as heat, is the Energy which keeps us all alive.
  • With Solar Panels we harness this Heat and Light and convert it to Electrical energy.
  • Converted Solar Energy is then saved in batteries or used then and there for our daily Electrical needs and wants. Technology has made it all very easy.
  • Solar Energy is the cleanest source of Energy in the world as it does not produce any emission of Carbon in the process of conversion of solar radiations in to Electricity.


We bring three options for your Domestic and Industrial needs.
With our help you can select the best option that caters your requirement and could work with available resources.

Choose The Best Option According To Your Electricity Consumption


Ideal for any domestic requirement.
You can get a minus value for your Electricity bill or a Zero Electricity bill.
But How?
The excess number of energy units (kWh) you produce with Solar Energy is transferred to the CEB and it will be deducted from your next bill.
For example,
You produce 120 units
only consum 80 units for your house or shop or factory.
Then the 40 extra units are transferred to the CEB.

With this system, either you get a
• Negative bill
or a
• Zero bill
Which means you save money.


Ideal for both domestic and industrial requirements.
You can sell your extra Energy production to the CEB.
But How?
The excess number of energy units (kWh) you produce with Solar Energy will be sold to the CEB.

For example,
You produce 120 units
only consumed 80 units for your house or shop or factory.
Then that excess 40 units is sold to the CEB each at a price of Rs. 22

40 x 22 = 880/-
The CEB will pay you as follows.
1st to 7th year from the installation, 22/- per unit
8th to 12th year from the installation, 15.85/- per unit
This could be a good way to generate an extra household